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Why do I add a performance cycle? What fits my organisation?

The performance cycle is a cycle that is set for the entire organisation. The cycle gives direction to the rhythm users ask for feedback, set their goals and reflect. This is a result of the minimum number of actions the cycle proposes per selected period. By setting this minimum, a norm for the usage of the tool at the preferred frequency is established for the entire organisation. 

Ideally there is a match between the performance cycle and the frequency with which you conduct conversations about development.  By matching the two, you ensure that the application of TruQu is anchored in the way of working, which will increase the success of personal development within your organisation. For example: every quarter a development-oriented conversation is held with every employee. Together with your employees you agree to have everyone fill out a reflective report prior to this conversation. Afterwards, everyone formulates two goals as a result of development points discussed in the conversation. This also results in actions per quarter, namely formulating two goals every quarter. To find out about progress regarding these goals, everybody asks for feedback at least twice every month, adding feedback to the cycle twice every month. 

Users see a to-do list in the  upper right corner of their dashboard when they log into the tool. This to-do list activates and motivates users to complete the actions that are suggested by the performance cycle. Below this to-do list you’ll find a timeline showing the completed actions of the user within the cycle. In addition, users are nudged by activation emails about the cycle and its action points. The emails are sent at the beginning of a cycle, halfway through, and near the end of the cycle, stating the action points that are still pending for the current cycle. 

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