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CSV Synchronisation

This can be done by: admins

In this article you will learn how to use the CSV Synchronisation to keep your users up-to-date. Use ‘bulk import’ if you just want to add multiple users, i.e. without deleting all existing ones.

Synchronise your users

You can keep the users in TruQu up-to-date with the people in your organization using the CSV Synchronization functionality. CSV Synchronization can be found under Admin -> Users -> Add new user-> Sync.

The CSV file should be contain all employees that you want to add or keep in TruQu. For each user add the group and the role. Users in TruQu who are not in the CSV file will be deleted. Users that are in the CSV file but not in TruQu will be added. Users that are both in the CSV file and in TruQu won’t be affected if they keep the same roles and groups. If they have extra, less or other roles and groups in the CSV, then they will be updated.

Users with multiple roles or groups

If an user has multiple roles or is in multiple groups you need to add extra rows in the CSV file. For example, if user John Doe is a professional in group A and a manager as well as professional in group B, then the CSV file should contain the following rows:

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