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Personal feedback link

Get feedback where, when and from whomever you want with the personal feedback link. Through this link anyone can give you feedback. No TruQu account is needed for that!

You can, for example, add this link to your e-mail signature, distribute it after a presentation or post it on LinkedIn or other channels. You also have the option to use your personal QR code so that others can scan it with a mobile phone!

How do you set up a link?

Click on your profile photo or the settings gear to open the dropdown menu. Here you immediately get the option to go to your personal link.

Click on activate and choose a suitable template* to use for your personal link. Everyone who clicks on the link will see this template and fill it in. You receive the feedback directly in your mailbox and on your TruQu dashboard. You can always change or deactivate your template after setting it up. Copy the link and share!

*Templates are created and adjusted by administrators. Ask your admin for a specific list and discuss your preferences.


For the admins

The templates that become visible to the personal link are lists that are created as “spontaneous feedback template”. You can check this option when creating a new template.

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